SCAnIO: Cost-Effective Platform for Single-Cell Analysis in Immuno-Oncology
Research in oncology is experiencing a revolution related to the rise of immuno-oncology treatments. Development of those treatments requires a detailed knowledge of the targeted tissues (tumor and immune system) with a special focus on their intrinsic heterogeneity. Access to this information is now possible with the emergence of technologies allowing transcriptome analysis of the multitude of unique cells constituting a tissue. However, implementation and use of those technologies are limited and expensive, reducing R&D throughput. The complexity of data interpretation also represents a barrier to their routine use.
The companies AltraBio and Cellenion, as well as the Léon Bérard Center, have decided to come together to develop specific technologies and create a high-throughput platform for sorting and analyzing multi-parametric single cells in immuno-oncology. The aim of this project will be to set up a methodological and optimized chain ranging from tissue dissociation to data analysis, through optimized isolation and fluorescence sorting of cells at a reduced price. The result of the project will be the establishment of a service platform dedicated to R&D issues in the field of immuno-oncology.
Duration: 4 years 12/2018 – 11/2022
Budget : 1,4M euro, Grant : 750k€
Program type: Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir (PIA3) de la région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes
Involved partners:
Cellenion, Principal Investigator –
Centre Léon Bérard –
AltraBio –